> [!quote] Proverbs 8:1 (KJV) > Doth not wisdom cry? and understanding put forth her voice? *May the cloud blessing carry the voice of Wisdom to us through the power of Sky.* *May the fish blessing carry the healing of Wisdom to us through the power of Sea.* *May the fruit blessing carry the vitality of Wisdom to us through the power of Earth.* ## Welcome to Wisdom’s Cry My name is Charlie, and I am a nonbinary (they/them) writer, artist, and musician. This site as well as the work I do as Creation’s Paths is not here to tell you or anyone else want to think, believe, or do. This is my mystic, spiritual, artistic, and prophetic journey through the [[What is Creation Spirituality|Creation Spirituality]] tradition that I am sharing with you. I hope you find inspiration for your path. Be Blessed. This site is my journal, my thought on spirituality. Sometimes the notes and pieces are edited and polished, other times they are journal entries and rough ideas. My goal here is to be open and honest with my spiritual path in hopes of helping others with similar questions and struggles. If you want to contact me, listen to my podcast, or see my other work, check out[Creation's Paths](https://www.creationspaths.com/). # The Church of the Oak - [[2- Christopaganism A Manifesto|Christopaganism A Manifesto]] - [[3- Cill Dara- The Church of the Oak|A Dream of the Oak Church]] - [[Brigid]] > [!example] What is Creation Spirituality? > Creation Spirituality is the simple way of listening for and to the voice of Wisdom in all things. As God is within us, and we are within God, the tender voice and guiding hand of the Creator, Liberator, and Sustainer cries out in the wisdom traditions of the world and in the sciences as we read the word of God written into the literal stone of the world and the words and works of the mystics, prophets, and sages. There are three ways to enter the work: | [[#The Three Rays]] | [[#The Four Paths]] | [[#The Five Spiritual Faculties]] | | ------------------- | ------------------- | --------------------------------: | --- ## The Three Rays ### The Purple Ray of Devotion This is the Way of Devotion. The Purple Ray is our experience and practice corresponding to the path on the Tree of Life from Malkuth (Kingdom) to Yesod (Foundation), which is on the Middle Pillar of Mildness or Aspiration. This is the path of devotional and religious mysticism where we interact and call upon the spirits and saints of our faith. ### The Green Ray of Nature This is the Truth of Nature. The Green Ray is our experience and practice of and in Nature corresponding to the path on the Tree of Life from Malkuth (kingdom) to Netzach (Victory), which is on the Pillar of Mercy or Energy. This is the path of empathy where we encounter the spirits of land and nature, the fae, and what could be called the natural intelligences. This is the path of Natural Mysticism. ### The Orange Ray of the Great Work This is the Life of [[the Great Work]]. The Orange Ray is our experience and practice of Ceremonial, Magical, and Meditational work corresponding to the path on the Tree of Life from Malkuth (kingdom) to Hod (Splendor), which is on the Pillar of Severity or Form. This is the disciplined and discipled mysticism where we work with the energies of the cosmos through symbolism and action. --- ## The Four Paths ### [[Via Positiva|The Mystic Way]] Also known as the Via Positiva or Positive Way is the falling in love every day with all of creation through its constituent parts. As a mystic, we practice cosmic hospitality, practice the art of savor, and live compassion to everyone and everything we encounter. ### [[Via Negativa|The Spiritual Way]] The Spiritual Way is the path of letting go. It is also known as the Via Negativa or Negative Way. Along this path, we learn to unite our suffering with that of Christ, letting go, and emptying ourselves to listen to the still small voice. ### [[Via Creativa|The Artistic Way]] Creativity is born from the union of the Via Positiva and the Via Negativa, where we learn to trust our images enough to ride them into being. This is the Via Creativa or Creative Way. ### [[Via Transformativa|The Prophetic Way]] A prophet is not a predictor of the future. The Word of God flows through all of us, and we are all called to interfere with injustice to the best of our ability. This is the Via Transformativa or Transformative Way. Between these four ways. This is the Wisdom Tradition or the [[What is Creation Spirituality|Creation Spirituality]] Tradition. --- ## The Five Spiritual Faculties [[0- The Five Spiritual Faculties|The Five Spiritual Faculties]] The Five Spiritual Faculties are a series of tools and a system for working from Buddhism. These five power/strengths are the foundation of practice. 1. [[1- Faith|Faith]] 2. [[2- Effort|Effort]] 3. [[3- Mindfulness|Mindfulness]] 4. [[4- Concentration|Concentration]] 5. [[5- Wisdom|Wisdom]] ---