![[Fractal.jpg]] > [!quote] [Wiktionary](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/fractal#English) > **fractal** (plural **fractals**) > > 1. (mathematics) A mathematical set that has a non-integer and constant Hausdorff dimension, corresponding to a geometric figure or object that is self-similar at all scales and thus has infinite complexity. > 2. (by extension, sometimes figuratively) An object, system, or idea that exhibits a fractal-like property, especially the property of self-similarity at numerous but not infinitely many scales. God is a fractal. That is why I am a panentheist and not a pantheist. Just as God is a mutually interactive verb relating the relationship between two subjects where each is the object of the other and a process, the image of God found within any person, place, or thing has the shape, form, and characteristics of God. The Fullness of God is present while the Wholeness of God extends beyond the borders of that person, place, or thing. This pattern of fullness in everything is the fractal nature of God.